Come see our new short film The Last Thing I Do at Open Projector Night 6! Check out the Events page for more details.
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For all you writers out there, io9 lists 22 storytelling rules from Pixar. Check out the article by clicking the picture above. It's an insightful read.
Check out this interesting post by filmmaking blog Sub-Genre discussing how YouTube is making film festivals obsolete. Personally, while I think many film festivals have indeed become pretentious and elitist, there are still a lot out there that offer that communal, nurturing experience for genuine indie filmmakers. I've found that a lot of the people who've contacted me to say how much they enjoy our work are a combination of people who's seen it at film festivals and people who stumbled upon it on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. So basically, it only makes sense to utilize online channels and traditional film festival methods to get your work in front of as many people as possible.
Filmmaking blog Alaska Film Journal has taken it upon themselves to provide a centralized location for all of Alaska's independent filmmaking information, including upcoming events, cast and crew calls, filmmaker portals, and even a list of films. Check them out at or click the picture above.
Welcome to the brand new Alaskero Pictures website, complete with its own domain name even! I figured this would be a more legitimate way to get ourselves out there and a whole lot simpler than telling people to check us out on Facebook/YouTube/Vimeo/etc. It may not be the flashiest site, but at least we've got it where it counts: content, and I'll do my best to keep coming up with new content on a regular basis. In the meantime, I'll be updating the blog backlog with news already on our Facebook page in case any new inquiring minds visit the site. Thanks for visiting, and be sure to tell your friends!
July 2024
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